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Normal / Illinois / United States
We are all worthy of feeling vibrant, healthy, whole, and successful. You have your own resources and answers within. My challenge is to help you access those answers by providing resources, tools, and understanding. I work from where YOU are - whats working, whats not, towards what YOU want to be different in your life. Knowing what that is allows us to find/create the path to that desired future that has perhaps eluded you. Therapy/counseling/consultation is the responsibility of all parties involved: 1. You bring a desire and willingness to change specific thoughts, feelings, behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs, which seem to be working ineffectively. 2. I bring an expertise in: 1. clarification of the problem, its sources, and desired results or outcomes 2. assessment of strengths and weaknesses 3. use of the art and science of the therapeutic process 4. engagement of energy medicine concepts and tools, as it often increases the efficiency of the therapeutic process I see therapy in three distinct, yet overlapping segments: 1. Symptom Relief - nearly everyone comes in with some disturbing, sometimes seemingly intolerable pain or discomfort, begging you to look at whats going on so you can live more fully who you really are. 2. Prevention - What needs to change so "this" doesnt happen again - a limiting belief? Inadequate coping skills? Old reactive patterns of thoughts, feelings, behaviors? Your understanding about how the Universe works? 3. Enrichment - Health is about more than freedom from symptoms/illness. Its about living YOUR life, YOUR purpose, feeding YOUR soul in a way that richly connects you with the important people in your life, and allows you to live intentionally in alignment with YOUR best self.