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Greenwich / Connecticut / United States

Grace Church of Greenwich met for the first time in 1994 at Greenwich's Hyatt Regency and has since grown to serve parishioners from all over Connecticut. It is a part of the Presbyterian Church in America.

Sunday services are held at the Woman's Club of Greenwich at 9am and 10:45am.

Adult Sunday School and middle and high school groups meet from 10am to 10:45am on Sundays. Children meet at about 11am during the second half of the 10:45am mass. Real Food, the church's own young professionals group, meets on Wednesday evenings for conversation and a meal.

Greenwich / Connecticut / United States

Sacred Heart Parish includes the Convent of the Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement, home to three nuns who are active in the community. The parish is a part of the Diocese of Bridgeport.

Mass is held Friday mornings at 7am, Saturday afternoons at 4pm and 5:30pm, and Sunday mornings at 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am.

Confessions are given on Saturday at 3:30pm to 4pm and at 5pm to 5:30 pm.

The church's School Hall is home to Pat-a-Cake Playschool. The space can accommodate up to 100 people and is available to parishioners for rental.

Greenwich / Connecticut / United States

The Parish of Saint Mary is a Roman Catholic community founded in 1874. The parish consists of the rectory, the stone church, parish center, and a dedicated clergy, staff and laypeople.

Mass is held daily during the week at 7am, 8am and 12:05pm, with an additional 5:30pm service during Lent. On Saturdays, a morning service is held at 8am and two vigils take place at 4pm and 5:15pm. The 7:30pm Saturday mass is read in Spanish. Sunday services are held at 7am, 9am, 10:30am, 12:15pm and 5:15pm.

Religious education classes are offered during the week for children, as well as special program to guide children through First Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. The parish youth group coordinates numerous social activities for young people.

Music echoes through the church, with sung prayer of the youth and adult choirs, comprised of volunteers and professionals. Adults can participate in a number of faith formation groups and events. The church is also home to the Hispanic Center.

Greenwich / Connecticut / United States

The First Lutheran Church in downtown Greenwich is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Services are held year-round at 10:30am on Sundays. The congregation meets for coffee after the service, and adults are then invited to attend Bible Study. Sunday School for children is held at 9:30am before worship.

The church's parish hall can accommodate up to 100 people, and a few smaller classrooms are available for use by community groups.