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New York / New York / United States
Bnai Zion, founded in 1908, is a charitable, non-partisan organization dedicated to the support of various humanitarian projects both in Israel and in the United States. With a membership of approximately 30,000, Bnai Zion has raised substantial funds for projects and causes focused on improving the human condition. The organization believes in the importance of strong American-Israeli ties and is working towards the advancement of the physical and social welfare of the individuals and families that constitute its membership. Its membership offers an opportunity to affiliate with a humanitarian organization that has been supporting projects in the United States and Israel for 97 years. Bnai Zion has a national office located in New York City and regional offices in Pittsburgh, southeast Florida, Texas and a western office in Los Angeles. Its members are entitled to become active and support events and educational seminars in local areas as well as through the national office.
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
Founded in 1900, The Horticultural Society of New York, also known as HSNY, is a multidisciplinary cultural and social service resource center. It focuses on issues related to the environment, green technology and urban agriculture. The society installs and sustains learning gardens in spaces surrounding public libraries and provides hands-on science and literacy education programs in public schools and green spaces. The Horticultural Society of New York operates a library that maintains a stock of more than 12,000 resources that serves gardeners, students, casual browsers, professional artists, designers, horticulturists and writers. Its programs use horticulture to provide job training, science and literacy learning, and mental and emotional healing services for men and women. The Horticultural Society of New York is located in New York City.
New York / New York / United States
New York / New York / United States
More than just a group of door-to-door cookie sellers, the Girls Scouts of the USA is the world s largest organization dedicated to helping girls build character and gain skills for success in the real world. The organization s more than 4 million members are offered an accepting and nurturing environment in which they develop strong values, leadership skills, social conscience and conviction about their own potential and self-worth. They participate in programs involving leadership and self-esteem, community outreach and education, environmental awareness, financial literacy, health and wellness, arts, travel and science, technology, engineering and math. Girls Scouts of the USA was founded by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912. Girls between the ages of 5 and 17 are invited to join one of nearly 240,000 local troops throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and more than 80 other countries.
New York / New York / United States
The National Jewelry Institute (NJI) was formed in 2002 as a 501c3 not-for-profit organization whose mission is to conduct courses on the subjects of jewelry, fashion, and beauty. The NJI has organized 15 exhibitions in major world capitals and published 6 books.The Institute has a partnership with Parsons School of Design in New York and Paris. The partnership involves courses on The Fine Art of High Jewelry and Timepieces and The Business of Luxury in both cities as well as an annual high jewelry and timepieces awards ceremony and gala, recognizing the best single pieces of all the leading brands.
New York / New York / United States
Jewish immigrants in New York City, The Workmens Circle engaged hundreds of thousands of Jews in mutual support and community building, with an inclusive commitment to social justice, and a big tent approach to Jewish culture and heritage. Yesterdays network of lyceums, health clinics, and schools has evolved into todays nationwide calendar of cutting-edge arts programming, our award winning summer camp, our leadership in the Jewish community on social justice issues, and our welcoming national network of multigenerational Jewish communities and educational centers/shules. Todays Workmens Circle is the organization for everyone who feels at home being Jewish, secular, and progressive. The Workmens Circle / Arbeter Ring fosters Jewish identity and participation in Jewish life through Jewish, especially Yiddish, culture and education, friendship, and the pursuit of social and economic justice. Towards the end of nineteenth century, Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe to the United States reached explosive proportions. Having endured the hardships of a sometimes harrowing journey across the Atlantic, many among the newly arrived were dumbfounded by what greeted them in America: a land of freedom and opportunity to be sure, but one too of exploitative labor practices, blighted and overcrowded tenements, ethnic rivalries, and the daunting job of assimilating into an unfamiliar new culture. Recognizing the importance of facing these challenges with a unified front, and feeling the resonance of traditional and deeply-held Jewish values emphasizing community and social justice, a convocation of progressive-minded immigrants gathered in 1900 to found Der Arbeter Ring, in English, The Workmens Circle. Over the past century, we at the Workmens Circle have undergone significant changes in outlook and program, but have remained passionately committed to the principles at the living core of our organization: Jewish community, the promotion of an enlightened Jewish culture, and social justice. Our social institutions for years played a crucial ameliorative role in the lives of American Jews ; through our camp, our schools, and through our lively communities across the country, we continue to play such a role today. Yiddish was once the primary language of the majority of our members ; we are today widely known and respected as a central force in the renaissance of fascination and creativity in Yiddish culture that includes literature, music, theater, and more. Historically, the Workmens Circle raised a crucial voice in the struggles of American labor; today we work fiercely to remain a bulwark in the fight for the dignity and economic rights of immigrants, fairness in labor practices, decent health care for all Americans in short, for the very promises that brought our organizations founders to this nation in the first place. The WC/AR Foundation is established to support Jewish Community, Yiddish Culture and Social Justice Activism. Camp Kinder Ring is accredited by The Association of American Camps and has been recognized with awards from The Foundation for Jewish Camping. Collaborate on founding The A. Phillip Randolph Institute for civil rights and labor activism Establish The Jewish Cultural Experience at Circle Lodge 1930-1950: Fighting For Equality And Justice Organize the first ( anywhere ) Holocaust commemoration honoring The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising precursor to Holocaust Remembrance Day
New York / New York / United States