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Santa Cruz / California / United States
SACNAS is a society of scientists dedicated to fostering the success of Hispanic/Chicano and Native American scientists from college students to professionals in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership. SACNAS is a national society with a 37-year history of supporting minority scientists and science students. The society is comprised of over 3, 000 paid members along with more than 20, 000 affiliates and partners from a diversity of disciplines, institutions, ethnic backgrounds, and levels along the educational trajectory. SACNAS members are dedicated to giving back through mentorship, peer networks, and professional development, and to engaging in science research and leadership of the highest caliber. The organization and its members and affiliates are committed to encouraging minority students and scientists to advance to their utmost capability. Learn more about our mission & goals Annual SACNAS National Conference You are invited to take part in the 2010 SACNAS National Conference in Anaheim, California: Register Online: preregistration for the Science, Technology & Diversity for a Sustainable Future conference closes on September 2. Thirty participants, five-days, and a deep investigation of the nature & skills necessary to excel as leaders. The second annual Summer Leadership Institute was a raging success. For an inside view of the speakers and young scientists who took part in the training, see the story by institute co-organizer AAAS and view photos on the SACNAS Facebook page. SACNAS Responds to Arizona Immigration Law In a formal letter to the governor of Arizona, SACNAS has announced that it will no longer consider hosting its conferences in the state, due to the anticipated harassment of attendees as a result of the immigration law SB1070. Phoenix had been on the short-list for the site of the 2012 conference. An unprecedented number of student research presenters have submitted abstracts for this years national conference. SACNAS is in need of nearly 200 individuals to support the student poster & oral research presentation program. Professionals: SACNAS kindly requests a bit of your time at the meeting to serve as a volunteer student presentation mentor-judge. Eligibility: Doctoral-level scientists ( postdocs, faculty, program directors, researchers... ) Details: Judges review approximately 10 15 student posters over two-days and/or approximately 4 5 graduate oral presentations. SACNAS Networking Connect online! Interact with SACNAS members through our online professional & social networking activities: Facebook: become a fan of the official National SACNAS page on Facebook! Connect with other members ; view photos of chapters, conferences, and events ; and learn about upcoming activities. LinkedIn: amplify your professional networking as a member of the SACNAS group on LinkedIn. Take part in discussions, broaden your network, and learn about upcoming events & opportunities. MentorNet: Indicate your SACNAS membership when you sign up and request to be paired with a SACNAS member for one-on-one mentoring. The e-mentoring infrastructure offered through the SACNAS-MentorNet partnership features an in-depth profile matching process between SACNAS proteges and mentors.
Santa Cruz / California / United States