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Coram / New York / United States
Coram / New York / United States
Coram / New York / United States
Garden Dept. Services Garden Dept. Corp is proud to say that the key ingredient to our success is our employees, many of whom have been with us since the start of the nursery thirty-five years ago. Customer service is the foundation of our company. Investing money in a business alone isnt enough to be successful, you must also make an investment in your employees. By consistently hiring and training the right people we ensure that you are provided with the best customer service possible. Our team knows that providing our customers with quick, efficient, and knowledgeable service helps in their success and results in their repeat business. Whether a customer sends in an order ahead, or arrives at the nursery with a list, or blueprints, they are immediately greeted by our staff and assisted. Our staffs organization, communication, design and product knowledge are extensive and within minutes can pull together what you need. Garden Dept. Corp is a truly unique place where old world beliefs hold true, and carry them successfully into todays business market. Flatbeds, tractor trailers to deliver large and small deliveries from large caliper trees, evergreens to small plant material
Coram / New York / United States
Contino Landscaping & Design is family owned and operated for over 30 years, satisfying home owners and business owners alike. Our experience, quality of workmanship and attention to detail is something you can count on for whatever project you have in mind.Every design and execution is carefully planned with your vision in mind. Whether your project is large or small, we pride ourselves on our commitment to you and always strive to exceed our clients expectations.Our professional, skilled and knowledgeable crews deliver impeccable service in a neat and timely manner. It’s our pleasure to serve you, so please contact us if you have any questions.Don’t forget to visit Contino Nursery for all of your trees, shrubs and plants!