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Santa Cruz / California / United States

Dr. Catherine Borchert is a psychiatrist practicing in Santa Cruz. Please call for more information.

Santa Cruz / California / United States

Dr. Darry Chagi's office is a psychiatry practice located in Santa Cruz. Dr. Chagi's focus is in geriatric psychiatry. To schedule an appointment, call the number provided.

Santa Cruz / California / United States
Dr. Marla A. Reckart, M.D. is located in Santa Cruz, CA, and is part of the Sutter Health network dedicated to creating a more personalized healthcare experience.
Santa Cruz / California / United States
Santa Cruz / California / United States
Santa Cruz / California / United States
Philosophy of Care: Treating all my patients like my family
Santa Cruz / California / United States

Dr. Donald L. Davies is a psychiatrist whose practice is located in Santa Cruz. Dr. Davies's services include basic therapy and the oversight of mental dysfunctions and allotment of prescription medication. ePrescribe is also available through Dr. Davies's office.

Santa Cruz / California / United States
Santa Cruz / California / United States

Dr. Joseph Weintraub M.D. is a psychiatrist with a practice in Santa Cruz. Call the listed number for further information.

Santa Cruz / California / United States

Dr. Dennis St. Peter is a psychiatrist who provides services to patients in Santa Cruz and the surrounding communities. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call the number provided.

Santa Cruz / California / United States
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) with therapy and counseling experience ranges from helping families and marriages in crisis or to improve their relationship, to individual and couples counseling, running group sessions, and helping young people make the transition into adulthood. I have a passion for helping those who want to reach their goals in a non-judgmental environment - to heal from eating disorders, substance abuse, childhood neglect, and trauma, or to manage depression, anxiety, or adult ADD/ADHD and the impact on their lives.