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Orlando / Florida / United States
UBS Financial Services is a part of UBS, which is a publicly owned global wealth and asset manager and investment banking and securities firm. The company offers financial, investment and insurance services to small and large businesses, banks, institutional investors and hedge fund providers. Its clients additionally include the government and public sectors, financial intermediaries and nonprofit organizations. UBS Financial Services also provide access to a range of investment products, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, private equities, insurance and annuities, and art and numismatic services. In addition, the company offers finance for business, home, personal expenditures and investment purposes. Its banking services include checkwriting, direct deposit, online bill payment, and debit and credit card services. UBS Financial Services also conducts commodity, corporate, economic and municipal researches. It is a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The company maintains one of its locations in Orlando, Fla.