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Lakewood / Ohio / United States
El Bufete de Ohio Abogado Patrick Merrick de habla Hispana tiene casi 20 años de experiencia y cientos de casos ganados nos respaldan. Así como a usted, hemos ayudado a cientos de latinos y hispanos a obtener reparaciones justas en Ohio. Sea parte de ellos, trabaje con el bufete de Ohio Abogado Patrick Merrick y ganaremos su caso. En todas estas situaciones, ya sean sencillas o complicadas desde el punto de vista legal, el Bufete del Ohio Abogado Patrick Merrick está aquí para ayudarlo. La ayuda es 100% confidencial y con una consulta gratis – sin licencia, sin aseguranza, sin papeles. Comuníquese con Patrick Merrick en línea ( o llame al (940) ABO-GADO - sin cargo, hoy mismo. Confíe plenamente en Patrick Merrick, su abogado hispano de Ohio especializado en casos por lesiones laborales en Ohio, Discapacidad y Seguridad del Seguro Social, juicios por muerte por negligencia, lesiones personales, negligencia médica, lesiones en el parto. La Firma Legal del Ohio Abogado Patrick le brindara todo el apoyo y experiencia legal con el objeto de que usted y sus familiares puedan entender estos complicados procesos legales y obtengan la compensación que usted y su familia merecen. Recuerde “Si no ganamos, Usted No Paga” - Orgullosamente sirviendo a la comunidad latina / hispana de Akron, Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, Lorain, Painesville, y Youngstown. Brindando una amplia gama de servicios legales a sus clientes Hispanos, Ohio Abogado Patrick Merrick, el mejor abogado de habla hispana en Ohio, lucha por sus derechos. Desde juicios por negligencia médica (la prestación de atención médica inadecuada, negligente, o dañina), lesiones en el parto (moretones, laceraciones, lesiones cerebrales, parálisis cerebral, lesiones durante el nacimiento), muerte por negligencia (causada por la acción legal de otra persona y / o compañías) hasta lesiones personales relacionadas con la Ley de Accidentes de Camiones y Automóviles. Ohio tiene más de 250,000 millas de carreteras, por lo que no es sorprendente que los accidentes de autos y camiones sean muy comunes. Por las lesiones graves causadas por accidentes de tránsito, incluyendo la muerte, el Abogado Patrick Merrick de Ohio defiende sus derechos frente a las compañías de seguros y lucha para que las mismas paguen el dinero que usted merece. Los accidentes en el lugar de trabajo (Ohio Workers Comp) son frecuentes y se atribuyen a numerosas causas, entre esta: áreas de trabajo inseguras, caídas, uso incorrecto de escaleras, paredes colapsadas y trincheras, lesiones con herramientas eléctricas y lesiones vehiculares. Como abogado de compensación de trabajadores de Ohio, Patrick Merrick, puede ayudarle a garantizar que las reclamaciones de compensación de trabajadores de Ohio se procesen de manera rápida y correcta, lo que maximiza las posibilidades de recibir una compensación por facturas médicas, salarios perdidos y continuación del sueldo, así como el pago por los danos permanentes causados por la lesión laboral. El Bufete de Abogado de Patrick Merrick en Ohio administra las reclamaciones por discapacidad de la seguridad social en todo el Estado. El Seguro de Discapacidad del Seguro Social (SSD, por sus siglas en inglés) brinda beneficios financieros a quienes han pagado impuestos de Seguro Social, han trabajado durante un período de tiempo suficiente y sufren de una condición calificada como, por ejemplo, dolor de espalda y cuello, problemas cardiovasculares o enfermedades mentales. Por otra parte, el Ingreso del Seguro Social por Beneficios viene basado ??por necesidades económicas. Los diagnósticos que cubren una amplia gama de condiciones de salud a menudo son aprobados en la última instancia en los casos de SSD, aunque muchos solicitantes inicialmente se enfrentan al rechazo. Cuando se niegan las reclamaciones del beneficio SSD, Patrick Merrick, Abogado que habla español de Ohio, brinda a los clientes Latinos la asistencia tanto con el papeleo, la obtención de documentos de respaldo de profesionales médicos como también la preparación para audiencias judiciales. Como abogado de lesiones de nacimiento, Patrick Merrick ayuda a las familias Hispanas a navegar por las complejas leyes que rodean a las lesiones que resultan de los errores cometidos durante el trabajo de parto o el parto, incluyendo los traumatismos causados por el uso de fórceps, parálisis cerebral y de Erb, hemorragias cerebrales, infecciones, accidentes cerebrovasculares y otros errores en la sala de partos, como el uso inadecuado de instrumentos durante el parto, indebida administración de medicamentos y cesárea tardía. Las lesiones de nacimiento son trágicas, y el personal médico está bien capacitado para evitar causar tales daños; sin embargo, se pueden cometer errores. El Bufete del Abogado Patrick Merrick brinda asistencia para obtener una compensación justa por el dolor, sufrimiento, y los daños futuros en el caso de una lesión de nacimiento o parto en Ohio.
Cincinnati / Ohio / United States
Disabled individuals face many obstacles as they mesh into mainstream society. When they face discrimination either at work, at school or a government agency, seeking representation from an experienced disability lawyer may be in order. Disabled individuals need legal representation as much, if not more, than the average person. Snyder & Gast LLC are happy to be of service in such instances. Snyder & Gast LLC attorneys at law have been defending the rights of persons with disabilities in Cincinnati, OH for over 25 years. Their stellar record of wins coupled with true compassion for those at an obvious disadvantage makes them the number one group of workers comp and social security lawyers in the area. Established in 1978, this group of expert advocates regularly helps clients obtain workers compensation, social security benefits, vocational rehabilitation services and anything else they might need to make their altered life a bit more manageable. Statistically, the odds of winning a disability benefits case without the aid of a social security or workers compensation lawyer are very slim. Each lawyer associated with Snyder & Gast LLC helps their clients fill out all of the necessary paperwork, guides them through their case and informs them of their unique legal circumstances in laymans terms. Social security and workers comp cases are some of the toughest, most nerve-wracking legal battles a person might face, and if already at a disadvantage, the prospect is even more daunting. Snyder & Gast are ready to offer you a Free Consultation. If you are facing a legal case over workers comp or social security, call 513-281-1544 or visit Snyder & Gast LLC online.
Youngstown / Ohio / United States
Heller, Maas, Moro & Magill Co., LPA is Ohio’s Injury & Social Security Disability Firm. We know how the system works and we’ll make it work for you. We have been committed to protecting the rights of injured workers, injury victims, and the disabled since our founding in 1985. All of our seven attorneys grew up in the Mahoning Valley community. We were educated in local schools and worked for companies and in plants here before joining the firm. We believe that helping a community means knowing a community and we stay actively involved in ours. Having these connections to our peers and fellow community members is what sets us apart and can be the key to a quick resolution. In addition to the dedication to our community, we have worked hard to maintain a cutting-edge capability to serve our clients. Whether it be using technology to video conference with our clients when needed or continuing our legal education, we are committed to providing the most complete and thorough representation for our clients. We have a combined 150 years of experience practicing law. Let us put those years to work for you.
Archbold / Ohio / United States
Professional Counseling and Mediation Services Shalom Counseling and Mediation Center provides a full range of mental health care and professional mediation services. We have offices located in Archbold and Bryan Ohio. We understand people sometimes have reservations about seeking professional help and we want you to feel comfortable and confident in taking that initial step toward a healthier and happier future. Our caring and trusted counselors are fully licensed and credentialed to meet your individual, family or group needs.We abide by the highest industry standards and are committed to your confidentiality. Our dedicated therapists at Shalom Counseling and Mediation Center can help you with: • Anxiety/ Stress • Depression • Drug & Alcohol addiction • Self-esteem • Divorce counseling • Marriage & Family counseling • Premarital counseling • Grief and loss • Trauma & Abuse • Life / Purpose / Direction • Behavioral • ADHD • Body image and eating disorders • Sexual abuse • Career stresses and occupational concerns • Life transitions So, why not take that first step and call today to speak with one of our friendly support staff who will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have and schedule an appointment for you with one of our professional counselors. *Shalom Counseling and Mediation Center offers sliding fee scales and negotiated rates for qualified individuals.
Circleville / Ohio / United States
At the Ohio law firm of Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman, the personal injury lawyers pride themselves on being the big-city law firm with the small-town customer service. With a focus on personal injury law, each member of this team of legal experts brings a unique set of skills and qualifications to the table, allowing them to better provide the targeted and personalized service for which they are known. With over 90 years of combined experience and unique ties to the community, each attorney and staff member is devoted to protecting the rights of Central and Southern Ohio residents both in and out of the courtroom. Clients continue to hire the personal injury lawyers of Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman for their legal needs because they commit themselves to the injured and disabled. Calling themselves “advocates for the people of Ohio,” each lawyer of this Jackson law firm works with enthusiasm and compassion to guide clients toward the compensation they need and deserve after a workplace injury. While workers’ compensation law is a major component of what Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman offer, they also practice the following: * Social Security * Disability * Medical Malpractice * Intentional Torts * Workplace & Personal Injury * Wrongful Death To ensure each client’s case is backed by the medical evidence and expert testimonies necessary to win, the team at Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman work with a statewide network of medical providers who specialize in work-related injuries. Each team member understands what is necessary to achieve a successful outcome to a disability or workers’ compensation claim and does not waste time in ensuring that their clients have what they need to win. Consultations with Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman are completely free, so if you need a personal injury lawyer, contact their law office at (740) 775-5551 today, or schedule an appointment online. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Beachwood / Ohio / United States
The Kabb Law Firm is a holistic law firm with a Certified Elder Law attorney and Care Coordinator providing Life Care Planning which combines the best Medicaid and Veterans advice with personalized care coordination to elders and their families.
Medina / Ohio / United States
Attorney Eric D. Hall provides social security and disability, civil rights, and employment law services to the Medina, OH area.
Columbus / Ohio / United States
El Columbus Abogado ha adquirido a través de los años el conocimiento y experiencia necesaria para luchar por la comunidad Latina y Hispana en Columbus contra las empresas aseguradoras y otorgarle la indemnización económica que te merece. Cualquiera sea su caso, el bufete del Columbus Abogado puede ayudarlo a obtener la reparación de tu lesión, accidente o Incapacidad. Nuestro historial de casos ganados es la mejor prueba de ello, estamos aquí para ayudarlo y protegerlo. La comunidad Latina y Hispana en Columbus necesita un Abogado que entienda tu idioma Español e historia. Columbus Abogado de Ohio tiene casi 20 años de experiencia y cientos de casos ganados nos respaldan. Con casi 20 años de experiencia en la lucha contra las grandes compañías de seguros, el bufete del Columbus Abogado ha obtenido veredictos y acuerdos sustanciales para muchos de nuestros clientes hispanos. Nuestra firma ha manejado este tipo de casos en Columbus, Ohio: casos de lesiones laborales que involucran lesiones personales graves; graves accidentes de camiones, accidentes de motocicletas y accidentes de automóviles; accidentes graves de construcción; y accidentes petroleros. Si ha sido lesionado, necesita un abogado con experiencia en lesiones de Columbus Ohio que luche por usted. Llame hoy al bufete del Columbus Abogado para brindarle el apoyo legal que necesita. En Columbus, Ohio no importa cuál sea su situación legal (sin papeles, indocumentado), si ha sido víctima de un accidente por un lesión personal, usted tiene todo el derecho de pedir una indemnización. Y no debe preocuparse, porque toda información brindada por parte suya será reservada y protegida por el Columbus Abogado. El Abogado de Columbus, Ohio y su equipo tienen la experiencia y la ética de trabajo necesarias para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus metas. Aplicamos creatividad, habilidad y tecnología para representar a nuestros clientes de manera efectiva. El resultado son resultados exitosos a un costo menor para nuestros clientes hispanos de Columbus. Además, los años de experiencia ayudan al abogado de Columbus escucha los objetivos de su cliente y lo ayudará a identificar el curso de acción más ventajoso que satisfaga sus necesidades personales y legales. Todo la comunicación es en Español, para asegurar la mejor resultado posible con cada uno de nuestros clients Latinos. El Bufete del Columbus Abogado le entrevistará a Ud. sobre los detalles de su caso, le comunicaran de forma directa y lo que se requiere para ganar su caso. Nuestra meta es de proveerle a Ud. la más alta calidad de servicios legales en Columbus en Español. Representación agresiva: cuando el Bufete del Columbus Abogado toma un caso, reconocemos la importancia de lo que está en juego para nuestro cliente latino. Por lo tanto, sólo ofrecemos representación agresiva y competente. Tenemos una experiencia significativa en el trato con los ajustadores de compañías de seguros e impulsamos nuestros casos en un esfuerzo por obtener la mejor compensación disponible para nuestro cliente. Nuestro objetivo es enviar mensajes a la comunidad hispana de Columbus, Ohio de que aquellos que violen las reglas y normas de seguridad serán responsables. El Bufete de Columbus Abogado es una firma de abogados en crecimiento que presta servicios a la comunidad hispana en Columbus, Ohio con años de experiencia en la práctica de Leyes de: Accicentes de Laboral y Trabajo (Ohio Workers Comp), Defectos de Nacimiento (Mapractica de Parto), Seguro Social Incapacidad (Disability), Accidentes de Tráfico (Auto y Camión), Muerte Injusta, y Daños Personales. Nos tomamos muy en serio todos nuestros casos y, si se compromete con nosotros, lo haremos con usted. Usted no nos paga a menos que ganemos. ¿POR QUÉ CONTRATARNOS? Puede contratar con confianza al Bufete de Columbus Abogado porque está orgulloso de representar a los clientes hispanos en todo Columbus, Ohio. Tenemos un historial de excelencia en defensa jurídica y de compromiso en la lucha por los individuos lesionados. ¿Qué marca la diferencia en el bufete del Columbus Abogado? Si has sido herido, necesitas contratar al abogado adecuado. La representación legal que usted elija marcará la diferencia en el resultado final de su caso. Contratación de un abogado de confianza. El bufete del Columbus Abogado se diferencia por múltiples factores: 1) Trabajar basándonos en honorarios contingentes - si no ganamos, no tenemos que pagar o gastos; 2) Tenemos una experiencia demostrada en nuestro historial que incluye millones de dólares recuperados en veredictos y acuerdos por latinos en Columbus.
Springfield / Ohio / United States
If youve been injured on the job, or a disability is preventing you from working, you may worry about how you will make ends meet. At The Bainbridge Firm, LLC, were here to help. For more than 50 years, our firm has been helping clients throughout Ohio get the workers compensation and Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits they need to pay their bills, treat their injuries and put food on the table.
Loveland / Ohio / United States
If you have been injured by the fault of another such as in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident, or if have lost a loved one then you have come to the right place. For over 30 years I have focused on protecting the rights of injury and accident victims and disabled people just like you. My focus will be on you. When times are tough, we all need someone to lean on. You can lean on me. I promise to fight with all my heart for you.

We are a team of legal attorney's handling injury cases, including car accident, workers compensation, divorce, estate & child custody in Troy, Tipp City.

Hamilton / Ohio / United States
Casper & Casper is a law firm representing injured people in Ohio and Kentucky for 80 years. Our staff consists of several experienced attorneys, and is recognized as a top Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability, and Personal Injury law firm in Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown, Hamilton, and northern Kentucky.
Cincinnati / Ohio / United States
Mark Newman has devoted his practice to helping injured and disabled individuals pursue claims related to workers compensation, social security disability, and personal injury. As a result of his focus and dedication to these areas of law, Mark has developed a reputation for getting results for his clients in a timely and cost effective manner.
Columbus / Ohio / United States
GBM Law – Columbus Personal Injury Lawyers Geiser, Bowman & McLafferty, also known as GBM Law, is a Columbus personal injury law firm specializing in helping victims who have been injured due to the negligence of others. GBM Law has been protecting Ohio for more than 30 years and in that time assembled some of the finest attorneys and staff in the state. We deliver personal service that is unparalleled by other law firms. We are with you every step of the way. When you call GBM Law you will speak to a personal injury lawyer, not support staff. If a lawyer is not available, one will call you back. We have served thousands of Ohioans and collected more than $200 million dollars in verdicts and settlements. Our customer reviews speak for themselves. Don’t take on the insurance company by yourself. Let us take them on for you. We have the resources and experience to level the playing field.
Columbus / Ohio / United States
At the Ohio law firm of Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman, the personal injury lawyers pride themselves on being the big-city law firm with the small-town customer service. With a focus on personal injury law, each member of this team of legal experts brings a unique set of skills and qualifications to the table, allowing them to better provide the targeted and personalized service for which they are known. With over 90 years of combined experience and unique ties to the community, each attorney and staff member is devoted to protecting the rights of Central and Southern Ohio residents both in and out of the courtroom. Clients continue to hire the personal injury lawyers of Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman for their legal needs because they commit themselves to the injured and disabled. Calling themselves “advocates for the people of Ohio,” each lawyer of this Jackson law firm works with enthusiasm and compassion to guide clients toward the compensation they need and deserve after a workplace injury. While workers’ compensation law is a major component of what Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman offer, they also practice the following: * Social Security * Disability * Medical Malpractice * Intentional Torts * Workplace & Personal Injury * Wrongful Death To ensure each client’s case is backed by the medical evidence and expert testimonies necessary to win, the team at Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman work with a statewide network of medical providers who specialize in work-related injuries. Each team member understands what is necessary to achieve a successful outcome to a disability or workers’ compensation claim and does not waste time in ensuring that their clients have what they need to win. Consultations with Agee Clymer Mitchell & Portman are completely free, so if you need a personal injury lawyer, contact their law office at (614) 221-3318 today, or schedule an appointment online. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Lancaster / Ohio / United States

I will personally represent you at each legal proceeding.

Serving Fairfield, Licking & Franklin Counties for 21 years.

We have extensive administrative hearing experience and have worked hard for our clients across the Lancaster area. We specialize in Social Security and workers compensation law, and we support our clients through their application processes including the explanation of how disability, unemployment, etc can work together to restore your piece of mind.

Columbus / Ohio / United States
Experience, Knowledge and Results. Serving the Columbus Area for 50 years. Call us for a Free Consultation.
Amelia / Ohio / United States
Since 1986, the law firm of Fox & Fox Co. L.P.A. has served injured people throughout Ohio. We have expanded our practice to include criminal defense. Our years of dedication to the clients we serve has led to a clear record of success and a reputation for excellence. Our dedicated team of attorneys and staff share a passion for winning and aggressively fight for our clients to obtain the justice they deserve.
Dayton / Ohio / United States
We represent Social Security claimants who have been denied Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income Disability benefits. At M. R. Donoff & Associates, 30 years of experience is working for you!
Columbus / Ohio / United States
The Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging plans, funds, and delivers services that help older adults and individuals with disabilities remain safe and independent in their homes. With the assistance of area providers, COAAA arranges and coordinates services to help individuals with daily living such as homemaking, transportation, home delivered meals, and personal care. COAAA offers education and resources to caregivers, professionals, and the public and advocates for programs and policies that benefit older adults and individuals with disabilities. COAAA manages services for 10,000 people and funds services for another 20,000 older adults in eight counties: Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Licking, Madison, Pickaway, and Union. COAAA is operated under the City of Columbus Recreation and Parks Department.